Thursday, 29 November 2012

Edit Notes

These are my edit notes taken whilist I was editing my music video.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

DigiPak Development and Finished Design

I took a series of images to use on my digipak, the idea for the shots was too have the two artists represented by their guitars hanging from a tree. Also because of the genre of the music I have followed the conventions of the genre and have been experimenting with different photo filters. On both of the digipaks I have created, I have used the same track list. The tracks on the album are;
  1. Breakdown
  2. A-Team
  3. Ignorance ( The track I used for my music video)
  4. Keep Your Head Up
  5. You Need Me
  6. America
  7. Mardy Bum
  8. Little Miss Pipedream

Trial 1 :
This album cover uses a warm photo filter to give the photos a orange glow, also I have increased the brightness and contrast levels on the photos to bring out colours. All these adjustments are to fit the conventions of my chosen genre.

Also on the back of the digipak I have added the copyright statements this is includes the record and distribution copyrights and their dates. There is a bar code on the back which shows where a real bar code would be placed.

Trial 2:

In this digipak I have included the band members in the photos, I have tried to keep the continuity of the video through the the digipak. Also insted of using a warm photo filter I have just brightend the photos and increased the contrast to balance the photo. This digipack still contains the same deatils and tracklist as the other one. The major thing I have done is flip the side images of the arch way, this again follows the contnuity of the music video.

My Chosen Final Design

I have chosen this design over the other because it fits better with the theme of the song the music video. the next step is create a physical version.