Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Music Video Deconstructions - Ridin' by Chamillionare

The use of a LS emphasises the status of the rapper. This follows the conventions of RnB videos, as the male characters are the controlling force. Also the use of a low angle signifies power and Importance, the use of large jewellery denotes the rapper wealth. The scene is lit from three major points, the left, right and diractly behind the rapper. This contrates the audiences attention on the star, this is enhanced by the lack of other people within the shot.

The camera is placed directly in front of the artist this connects the audience with the artist. the use of a close up shot focuses on his emotions, allowing him to project his importantce. the artist is dressed in clothing that fits the convention of a RnB star.
The camera is mounted on a tracking dolly to give a smooth panning shot, this implies that the rapper is not afraid of the police. The use of two contrasting colour cars creates two focus points for the audience, this allows the audience to connect with both sets of characters.
This is a two shot becuase it not only contains the rapper but another character. The shot is set in what looks like a run down area, which allows the contrast between the posh car and the run down house. Also the camera is mounted on a rig which inturn is mounted on the car door.

The use of a gradient filter suggests that the character is running down a dark alleyway, because the shot is of only the characters feet, it only gives referance to the movment not the emotion of the charater.


Thursday, 14 June 2012